HighTechLending, Inc. NMLS # 7147

Underutilized Strategy of Retirement Planning: Potentially Prolonging 401k & IRA returns

Jane, a 72-year-old retiree, shared her experience: “I’ve seen my grocery bills go up by almost $100 a month, and filling up my car is costing me a lot more than it used to. It’s been tough to keep up with these rising costs on a fixed income” (source: Senior…

Did you get a little too jolly during the holidays? Paying off high-interest credit card debt.

Christmas or Hanukah time is a great time to celebrate family, faith, and all of our loved ones.  Perhaps our holiday spirit is more than our bank account balance.  Grandkids are a great joy in life and we love to make them happy, but sometimes we give beyond our means…

Proven solutions to stop growing credit card debt

Americans love affair with revolving debt has resumed since the great recession; the Federal Reserve reported that most of this debt acquired has been from credit cards (CC), which hit the 1.027 Trillion mark in March of 2018.   According to Experian credit, the average American now carries a total CC…