BREAKING NEWS: FHA pays out more money on reverse mortgages starting 1/1/2018
Since the Reverse Mortgage (RM) program inception in the 1980’s there has been a cap on the value a RM will use to qualify a borrower on the program. This year the cap is $636,150; meaning, if a home appraises for $1,000,000 the program only uses the max claim value…
Merry Christmas, enjoy a FREE GIFT from us!
The Christmas season is a wonderful time to get together with family and friends to enjoy each other’s company, reminisce on days gone by, and create new memories. I have great memories of visiting my grandparents in Carlsbad, California during the holidays. Christmas day we would drive our big blue…
Enrolled in Medicare? You Need To Review Your Plan Before Dec. 7
If you’re a Medicare recipient, you’ll want to tackle an important task before the open enrollment period ends on Dec. 7. Spend a few minutes reviewing your plan to make sure you’re getting the right coverage to meet your needs. You could save hundreds of dollars and get even better…