HighTechLending, Inc. NMLS # 7147

Funds for Healthcare


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One of the more common uses of a Reverse Mortgage is to provide for in home health care.   The Reverse Mortgage allows you to access the home equity you’ve built up over the years—while you continue to live in and own your home, with no monthly mortgage payments required. It could help you live more comfortably today, and be better prepared for the future.

The Reverse Mortgage requires that you must live in the home as your primary residence.  This goes perfectly with  ‘Aging in Place’.  Most people prefer to stay in the same neighborhood, with the same friends, the same church, and the same places you have grown to appreciate over the years.  Using a Reverse Mortgage to finance the cost of getting as little or as much help as you need may be a perfect partnership.

For More information on in home healthcare go to:

Or call (310) 907-5302



One thought on “Funds for Healthcare”

  1. Melba says:

    Pretty useful publish. Never thought that it was this simple after all. I had used time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you are the one who figure it out.

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