Breaking: FED to cut rates by 50 basis points
Citing the need to encourage maximum employment and create stable prices Jerome Powell just announced the Federal Reserve will be lowering the Federal Funds overnight rate by 50 basis points. He said they will make decisions going forward about future rate cuts based on current needs and the employment rate,…
Eviction Moratorium final ruling by the Supreme Court
In March 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to alleviate burdens caused by the COVID–19 pandemic. Pub. L. 116–136,134 Stat. 281. This Act imposed a 120-day eviction moratorium, which was extended until the end of July 2020. This moratorium denied landlords and lenders from evicting…
A caregiver’s guide: Financial protection for those with Alzheimer’s
Credit problems and identity issues can be difficult to guard against during the best of circumstances, but for someone with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease – a form of dementia that affects thinking, memory and behavior – preventing identity theft and maintaining good credit can seem impossible. More than 5…
Google searches for “housing crash” skyrocket
If you prescribe to the saying that perception equals reality, then we may have trouble on the horizon. In the last month searches for a housing crash have skyrocketed 2,450%! “Why is the market so hot” searches have doubled in a single week. It seems Americans are more worried about…
Did you get a little too jolly during the holidays? Paying off high-interest credit card debt.
Christmas or Hanukah time is a great time to celebrate family, faith, and all of our loved ones. Perhaps our holiday spirit is more than our bank account balance. Grandkids are a great joy in life and we love to make them happy, but sometimes we give beyond our means…
Miss a stimulus check? Here’s how to get it.
The IRS has already sent out all of the stimulus checks, but if you accidentally threw yours away or did not get the direct deposit you expected, you can still claim yours. Perhaps you got the incorrect amount sent to you and it wasn’t as much as you should have…
Creative strategy provides growth and cash flow in both Bull and Bear markets!
For retirees with substantial investments in the stock market, February 24th and 25th was a scary ride. Monday the 24th marked the third-biggest daily point drop for the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +1.55% in its 124-year history, followed by another drop of 879 points marking it’s worst 2-day drop in history. For those…
How much money is left to your kids after a Reverse Mortgage?
Have you ever thought about a reverse mortgage but worried you wouldn’t leave an inheritance for your kids if you got one? If you tell one of your friends you are thinking about getting a reverse mortgage, you might hear, “Don’t do that, they will take your home.” Even trusted…
Aging in place and alternative options for receiving care in home
Almost 90% of those 50 and older would like to stay in their homes as they age, yet only 46% of retirees believe that they will be able to stay put throughout their retirement, according to an AARP survey. There is a gap of 44% that would like to stay…